نبلاء الاسلام
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
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نبلاء الاسلام
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
مرحباً بك زائرنا الكريم
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نبلاء الاسلام
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

اسلامي علي منهج اهل السنه بفهم سلف الامه
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 The concept of worship in Islam

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
صاحب الموقع

الساعة الان :
رسالة sms : سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم عددخلقه وزنة عرشه ورضا نفسه ومداد كلماته
The concept of worship in Islam 6b826fcde0
The concept of worship in Islam 174856_170821502968070_6471467_n

عدد المساهمات : 1615
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/05/2011
العمر : 62
الموقع : nobalaa.forumegypt.net
المزاج : مبسوط

The concept of worship in Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The concept of worship in Islam   The concept of worship in Islam Icon_minitime1الأحد 26 أغسطس 2012, 7:37 pm

The concept of worship in Islam مفهوم العبادة في الإسلام
created man on this earth for very honest, transcends his presence from
the other creatures that live on the land for food, drink and sex, this
end is the worship of Almighty God {created the jinn and mankind except
to worship - what I want livelihood from them, I want to feeding - that
God is Razzaq with strong force (Thareyat: 56 - 58).
the concept of worship in Islam is not confined to the prayers and
Temtemat and rituals practiced at specific times, but is much broader
than that, he approach to human life as a whole {say my prayer and my
sacrifice and my dying to God - not a partner and so I ordered the first
Muslim} (cattle : 162 - 163), there is no known Muslim moment spent away from the worship of his Lord.
rejects the concept of Islam to worship there and mediators between God
and worship, it is not in Islam priesthood or clergy, Muslim praying
alone in the Muslim community, in the mosque or at home or anywhere
Taher comprehend the prayers; no need to broker or building specific, he
said - peace be upon him -: ((and made me land a mosque and pure, whenever the man of my ummah prayer; pray)). (1)
the Palace Muslim against God or greed in good him; it asks God Bgith
of non broker recognizes him, and patron requests intercession {and who,
if they did obscene or wronged themselves, remember Allah and ask
forgiveness for their sins and who can forgive sins but God did not
insist on what they did They
know - those reward is forgiveness from their Lord, and Gardens
underneath which rivers flow, yes wage workers (Al-Imran: 135 - 136).
also rejects confining religion to the relationship between a person
and God only, and is this shortcoming sit religion for the purpose for
which Allah has sent down for her books and sent to achieve the
prophets, the reform of human life, and do the duty of succession in the
land of God
to his approach and his laws, Vlogel this God created our father Adam
{Lord said to the angels I will create in the ground Khalifa (Baqarah:
30), and this succession of Adam extends to his descendants, {is made
you heirs in the land} (creator: 39), and he calls God in another verse architecture earth {is أنشأكم Earth and Astamrkm (Hood: 61).
the duty required of the man is building land, and this demand will not
be achieved by large religions do not address in its view of human life
and legislation different Bmnashtha.
the concept of holistic Islam worship, Worship in Islam is to do
everything God loves and is pleased with the actions and words both
outward and inward, they do not stop at the appearances rites
phenomenon, but dealing with the acts of the heart, tongue and prey.
cover worship multiple constituencies in the life of a Muslim, the
first: his relationship with God the Creator, and second: what the man
of the etiquette of private كالنظافة personal and ethics practices of
life, such as food, drink and sleep and sex and defecating and dress,
and the third: his relationship with his family and community, and
fourth: his relationship with the family humanity, and finally: his relationship with his environment and the universe around him.
the approach the Lord of worship in Islam binds Bunyan faith to include
assets and extends to the branches and literature, he said - peace be
upon him -: ((faith seventy-odd branches, Vavdilha: say: there is no god
but Allah, and the lowest: removing something harmful from the road,
and modesty Division of faith)). (1)
this in a unique thread, and a harmonious blending of accepts
schizophrenia bile which insulates religion all walks of human life, and
يحبسه inside the temple, God has said former Mbekta facts: {Avtamnon
some writers and disbelieve some of what penalty do
you only disgrace in this life and on the Day of Resurrection respond
to the most suffering and God unaware of what you do - those who bought
life Hereafter Their doom will not be lightened nor shall they be helped
(Baqarah: 85 - 86).
an interview God ordered Muslims to take religion all his laws and its
specificity, and warned of the hashed and backs for something from him;
because he did vilified based on the dispute God right to dominate all
affairs of our humanity, which in reality follow the devil and in
response to his way of الإضلال, where graded man to, Vegreh leave
the other, and still till all leaves, he says: {O you who believe,
enter into peace all follow not the footsteps of Satan he is to you an
avowed enemy (Baqarah: 208).
intermingling in Islam between religion and the world, and the soul and
the body, and world and the Hereafter, and the individual and society;
fact bright expressed many verses in the Quran, for example, combine
Quranic verses relationship with God along with the ethics and treatment
with people from non-disperse, as in the saying says:
not righteousness that took your faces before the Mashreq and Maghreb
but righteousness believe in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and
the Book and the Prophets, and brought money to his love of kin, orphans
and the needy and the wayfarer and questioners in the necks and
established prayer and came Zakat and Movon بعهدهم If covenant and
steadfast in Alboads and thin and while bass those who Believe it and those are the dutiful (Baqarah: 177).
in the verse: {Worship Allah and join none with Him and parents
charity, kinsfolk, orphans, the needy and the poor neighbor with kin and
neighbor pleura and sidekick Paljnb and the wayfarer and proprietary
Allah loves not of the swaggering proud - who hoard and ordering people
parsimonious and conceal what Allah hath given them of bounty
and We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment -
and who spend their wealth to be seen of men do not believe in Allah nor
the Last Day, and not the devil his companion an evil companion}
(women: 36 - 38).
Islam affirms the universality of the alarm on some worship on human
subjects, he says - peace be upon him -: ((smiling at your brother you
charity, and your order Virtue and Nhiek evil charity, and instructed
the man in the land of delusion you charity, and your gaze to the man
bad eyesight you charity , stone Aamattk and fork and bone from the way you charity, and Afragk decline till you in your brother's bucket charity)). (1)
puts the Prophet - peace be upon him - a balance of charity, offers
worship sense totalitarian, while making some pictures competent Balebad
Introduction to other than the Lord of the people, and make the owner
loved God: ((I like people to God Almighty أنفعهم for people, and I love
the business to God
enter a Muslim happy, or reveal his plight, or eliminate him we have,
or expel him starving, and because I walk with my brother in need is
dearer to me than that i'tikaaf in this mosque months)). (2)
keenness of Muslim on this divine love motivates him to do good and the
competition in which even the animal Aloagam, he said - peace be upon
him -: ((There is no Muslim instills Garcia but was eating something
from his charity, and robbed him charity, and eat seven him He has a charity, and ate the bird is a charity, not Arzah a [ask] only had a charity)). (3)
order to deepen the Prophet sense Muslim importance Baouhdh types of
worship - even though linked right animal - it told his companions and
Muslims after them a story about a man from the former saw a dog eats
rest of thirst, ((So the man lightweight, Making scoop him, even Eroah,
thanked God has enter Paradise)), companions asked him, they said:
O Messenger of Allah, and that we be a reward for the beasts? He said peace and blessings be upon him: ((each with a moist liver wage)). (1)
The fruits of worship performed by Muslims for his Lord, they are many, including check his heart and straightening his faculties, which earns one happiness in this world, which is urgently its share of good, who is not etc. What we are witnessing the stability of the psychological and social life observant Muslims guided Islam, the fruit of obedience and faith {good work of a male or female, and is a believer فلنحيينه good life and recompense them pay what they do best (Nahl: 97).
In contrast, that seen in some communities of crimes social and mental illness and depression led to high rates and worrying about suicide (2), but it is a fair price you pay human penalty in according to the Tnkpha guidance of God and symptoms him {it follow My guidance no whoso will - and introduce remembrance, his life of hardship and We shall raise blind on the Day of Resurrection (Taha: 123 - 124).
But the penalty biggest holdings insured - Babadth to his Lord - is a heaven and pleasure {O my people but this life pleasures though Hereafter is House resolution - of the poor working not recompensed only like and good work of a male or female is a believer such will enter paradise and well in the non-account} (forgiving: 39 - 40).
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The concept of worship in Islam
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